10,000,000 is a Big Number

In my last letter, I casually made an understatement about a number that was key to my message.

“10,000,000 is a big number.”

Of course, it’s a big number! Especially when it describes souls. 10,000,000 for Christ is our effort to offer 10,000,000 souls the opportunity to study God’s Word with WBS during 2022 and 2023. So far, 6.9 million souls have had that opportunity with our tools through April, 2023. As a result, to date we have had 1,228,306 seekers actually enroll to study Printed and Online WBS Bible lessons. The more who receive the opportunity, the more who will study the Bible.

Well, another “big number” has come to the forefront, a number that is directly related to 10,000,000 for Christ.

“3,000,000 dollars is a big number, too.”

That’s the amount that can come from our newly announced $1.5 Million Match and Challenge. Yes, you can see your gift double in value, compounding the impact on our shared mission to reach the lost.

The $1.5 Million Match and Challenge resulted from a recent conversation between WBS’ Jim Crain and a long-time WBS donor couple. Jim first had expressed deep gratitude for the couple’s generosity. He soon delved into how God is blessing Christians’ use of WBS tools to progress towards 10,000,000 for Christ. He outlined how a significant gift—he boldly proposed a number—could, without a doubt, have dramatic results in sharing the Gospel and equipping Christians to teach seekers. With only a moment of consideration, the wife turned to the husband. “We can give that, so let’s give it now!” They had one caveat: “Use it to fulfill the Great Commission.”

Within days, other donors had added to the gift amount to total $1.5 million. The donors were clear that they wanted their gifts to spur the giving of others. With that, the $1.5 million can become $3 million, almost a third of the total of our 10,000,000 for Christ effort.

Let me give you an example of the power of God leading us to 10,000,000 for Christ. Sondra and I were recently visiting WBS students in the southern part of Africa. In a remote village of Zimbabwe called Chiware, a congregation has been planted using WBS as a key evangelism tool. Cam Hurst, a WBS Study Helper from the Jim Ned Valley church of Christ near Abilene, Texas, travelled with us to meet his WBS students in this location. Some 200 people came from the area for a WBS follow-up Gospel meeting. Cam met many of his students, nine of whom obeyed the Gospel while we were there.

Casting our nets to 10,000,000 people enables us to find as many as possible who want to become faithful children of God! The father of this young man (blue shirt) was standing beside me as his son was baptized into Christ. I would not be surprised if the entire family discovers who Jesus is because of this one response to Jesus’ invitation. It’s not an easy task to provide the opportunity to study the Bible with people in this remote area. Because of your generosity, the people of Chiware are meeting Jesus!

Please give now! Gifts large and small will be effectively doubled in what they can accomplish.  Click here to give.

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