2024 Match and Challenge WBS Key Initiatives


George Barlow
Austin, TX
Chief Advancement Officer


Over the last few months, a handful of dedicated families have generously pledged a total of $1.43 million. These families give these matching and challenge funds to encourage us in giving to make Jesus and His Gospel known to our world. Would you consider joining this challenge by giving today? Any size gift helps us reach our goal!

A Call to Action

As Paul the apostle said, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20 NASB). Inspired by these words, we ask you to consider how you can contribute to this mission. Paul did not undervalue the power that God has in our lives. This power works in those who are in Christ and if you’re reading this, I’m sure it’s you who God is speaking to. Whether through acts of kindness, sharing your talents and resources, or offering your time, every contribution helps further Jesus’ mission.

As Jimmie Lovell did 50 years ago, we want to inspire the Lord’s church to go above and beyond this year’s Match and Challenge goal. Together, we can do more in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. We invite you, our brothers and sisters, to follow these committed visionaries. Let us aim higher and reach further than we ever imagined!

Ocean Bridge

World Bible School has traditionally relied on international postal systems to deliver our Bible correspondence courses. Since postal systems in some parts of the world are struggling, we have embraced new technologies to continue sharing the Gospel around the world. With the support of numerous congregations and individuals, we have developed a solution called Ocean Bridge, which is now operational in seven countries, soon to be nine. This new way of teaching allows WBS Coordinators to digitally scan and send graded lessons to WBS. We have tailored systems in each country, partnering with preachers, schools of preaching, prisons and secondary schools to deliver lessons to Students. This leads to productive teaching with fast turn around and high retention rates, increasing the likelihood of Students obeying the Gospel. Read more about Ocean Bridge here.


Mathetis is dedicated to providing interactive Bible courses for group study online by combining highquality video content with engaging lessons. This unique platform fosters a safe, online environment where participants of all ages can deepen their faith and knowledge together.

One common concern, especially from parents and grandparents, is whether we offer lessons that address young people who have wandered away from their faith and can help them find their way back home. We understand the importance of this issue and are committing to developing a new Mathetis course and Bible class curriculum to help share compelling ways of asking those who have wandered to reconsider their first love. When finished, this project will cost $250,000 to create and deploy. This is a big investment, but to what lengths will we not go for guiding our children and grandchildren safely home to Jesus? Read more about the upcoming Mathetis Original course and Bible class curriculum here.

New Markets – India & Asia

We have long desired to cast our nets more effectively in the burgeoning populations of India and Asia. Our president, Brian Rex Davis, is planning a trip to India early next year to explore with church leaders how best WBS tools can better aid evangelism in that vast country. John Reese is working on ways to provide Gospel study opportunities in vast parts of Asia.

Plans are being developed, in cooperation with missionaries in the field, to deploy an Easier-toRead Master Series in English. We are also exploring translating the Master Series in several other languages in Asia and India. Literally billions of people can be offered the Gospel message through this expansion of our efforts.

How to Get Involved

Prayerfully consider your gift. Reflect on how you can support this mission financially. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us reach our goal.

Spread the word. Share this exciting opportunity with your friends, family, and church community. Encourage others to join us in this important work.

Stay engaged. Follow our updates to see how your contributions are making a difference. Your involvement and support are invaluable to us and to those we serve.

To discuss these initiatives, our goals or opportunity for involvement, give me a call at (737) 301-2632.

Together, let’s make 2024 a year of unprecedented outreach and transformation. With faith and unity, we can trust in God’s ability to do exceedingly above all that we ask or think! Give today by clicking here.

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  3. Log into worldbibleschool.org or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

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