“50 Forward” Begins With Prayer


Brian Rex Davis
Cedar Park, TX
WBS ACTION! Editor and President



Many of us will recognize a familiar posture at World Bible School, the posture of prayer. John Reese continually taught a reliance on prayer with everything that we do at WBS. Prayer is one of our great legacies of the past 50 years. But it is also our great imperative for the next 50 years.

“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God ’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NASU

Many of you lift up our WBS efforts on a daily basis in prayer. I am reminded of a quote from the unique preacher and writer, Charles B. Hodge, Jr. in his book Prayer, The Voice of Faith. He begins by proclaiming, “I do not believe in prayer.” This is a shocking statement! But he continues, “… I believe in God; therefore, I pray.”

The power of prayer isn’t in our eloquence of language or our ritual repetition. The power of prayer is in the fact that we are communicating with a living and all-powerful God who loves and cares for us and the lost of this world! He has called us into MISSION with Him to teach the Gospel to all of the world.

Above you will see one of our youngest WBS seminar participants in Thailand. What is our prayer for this young man? This seminar was on helping congregations establish elderships. The second part of the Great Commission is “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you”. If this young man grows up knowing Jesus, he will not only be able to obey the Gospel one day, but he will also be able to serve Christ’s church as an elder.

Our prayer for this young man (above) in South Africa is that his new life in Christ will be for a lifetime of faithfulness. He obeyed the Gospel at a WBS Follow-up Gospel meeting.

Wes Ritchie and Brady Shirley bowed in prayer at one of our recent WBS Board Meetings. These Godly leaders spend much time in prayer seeking God’s guidance and discernment in fulfillment of their duties.

As we begin the 50 Forward campaign, let us determine to build on the solid foundations of prayer that have gone before us. Join us in prayer each day as we seek to share Jesus with every soul on earth. Too big of a goal, you ask? We believe in God, therefore, we pray!







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