Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students studying the printed Master Series by utilizing digital scanning technology.
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News.
Mentoring in mission has been a part of my ministry life since I was trained
Introducing a new channel for podcasts produced by World Bible School. ACTION!
The WBS Library is all-digital. It will be dynamic, ever growing, attractively designed and practical,
Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students studying the printed Master Series by utilizing digital scanning technology.
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News.
Mentoring in mission has been a part of my ministry life since I was trained
Introducing a new channel for podcasts produced by World Bible School. ACTION!
The WBS Library is all-digital. It will be dynamic, ever growing, attractively designed and practical,
At the end of July of 2023, WBS marked 50 years of empowering the brotherhood to share Jesus. As we reflect upon how God has used forward-thinking Christians within our past, we are inspired to continue God’s work for the next 50 years and beyond. This is why we are celebrating Fifty Forward!
We are seeking
500 Churches
5,000 Individuals
To give $5, $50 or $500 a month
Your gift will be used immediately to share the Gospel with the world.
Jimmie Lovell’s initial West Coast Christian periodical envisions global impact of Bible correspondence courses.
Jimmie funds Bible correspondence courses for U.S. military in WWII by Nashville’s Lawrence Ave. church of Christ. C.A.O. Essien from Nigeria requests courses and is converted.
Eldred Echols and Boyd Reese are the first missionaries to visit C.A.O. Essien. They confirm Essien and his trainees had converted approximately 10,000 to Christ, started 60 congregations and several training schools. Read the full article on C.A.O. Essien
Jimmie publishes Action promoting world evangelism and West Coast Christian Publishing begins non-profit incorporation (CA). Read and Subscribe to ACTION!
Jimmie Lovell and Howard Cox receive 100 African names from D. Pennick and R. Kruse and 100 Caribbean names from J. Meyers. Their Torrance congregation’s program soon grows to 50 Study Helpers and 2,000 Students. Learn more about Postal Correspondence
Jimmie applies the name "World Bible School" to church-wide involvement in Bible correspondence course evangelism. Read Lovell's Article on World Bible School
Jimmie Lovell records in ACTION that WBS had started 400,000 Bible studies since its inception.
Reuel Lemmons joins Jimmie in producing ACTION from Austin, TX.
WBS reports 600,000 Students and 22,000 baptisms since its inception.
Jake Coppinger becomes the first American supported for WBS Follow-up.Learn more about our Follow-up program
WBS in Austin, TX incorporates as non-profit (TX) and holds its first board meeting.
Reuel Lemmons is appointed Director of WBS. Jimmie Lovell, 87, passes away to his reward.
John Reese family are first U.S. missionaries devoting full-time to WBS Follow-up on the field.
Tex Williams is appointed director of WBS.
John and Beth Reese family moves from South Africa to Austin, TX to assist Tex full-time in WBS. John Reese named assistant director the following year.
WBS begings advertising on Internet and offering courses via email.Learn more about our Online platform
WBS moves into its own office building in Cedar Park, TX.
Business Reply Mail (BRM) initiated first in Zimbabwe, later in Malawi and Sierra Leone.
The Way to Life produced as introduction to the Master Series.
Charlie Huffman has WBS lessons translated into Portuguese in Brazil.
Tex Williams retires. John Reese appointed as fourth WBS president.
WBS produces its first children’s courses. Included in the series: Becoming Friends, Growing as Friends and Friends Forever.
Amid the worldwide economic downturn, WBS enrollment exceeds 1 million Students in a year.
French translation of the Master Series is completed.
Entire Master Series launched as interactive courses online. Learn more about our Online platform
WBS Launches new Muslim courses that can be inserted within the Master Series.
Release of WBS Connect, targeted advertising by congregations and individuals.Learn more about Connect
WBS redesigns online teaching and information systems. Learn more about our Online platform
WBS releases new logo and branding.
WBS begins to digitally scan and send Students answers sheets from Zimbabwe.Learn about our digital scanning program, Ocean Bridge
Ghana PREP (Partners in Religious Education Project) begins, engaging U.S. Study Helpers through two-way scanning.Learn about our digital scanning program, Ocean Bridge
Indonesian translation of the Master Series is completed.
English Standard Version (ESV) WBS Study Bible introduced; 60,000 sold in first year.Browse our WBS Study Bibles
Swahili translation of the Master Series is completed.
Fifteen countries scan WBS course answers to U.S. Study Helpers, reducing Postal delays.Learn about our digital scanning program, Ocean Bridge
WBS blessed to receive its first ever estate give over $1 million.View our Estate Planning brochure
WBS formalizes an online system, named "Follow-up," to help WBS Students be baptized and find a local congregation.Learn more about our Follow-up program
WBS launches Bibles for Millions campaign to get 1 million Bibles in the hands of those who need the Gospel.Give a the Bible to someone today
WBS unveils its new discipling and teaching tool Mathetis, along with two video Bible study courses, Wondering What to Believe and In Need of a Savior. Learn more about Mathetis
Tex William passes away at 91 to his heavenly reward.
WBS receives its first ever $1 million gift.Give now to help us share Jesus
Public launch of Mathetis provides solution for Covid shut-ins, including an entire Christian school.Learn more about Mathetis
WBS Publishes several Bible curriculum courses.Browse all curriculum
Mathetis adds several new courses from its author partners. Authors include: Apologetics Press, Dan Winkler, Ripple of Light and more. Browse all courses
WBS launches program helping individuals with their estate planning. View our Estate Planning brochure
WBS online platform reengineered to enable future growth and additional tools.Learn more about our Online platform
WBS launches WBS Lite, an app Students can download to enroll in WBS Online and install the courses directly to their smartphone for offline access. Available on Google Play.Learn more about our Online platform
Brian Davis becomes fifth president of WBS. John Reese retires to become first President Emeritus.
WBS “10,000,000 for Christ” campaign looks to offer 10 million Bible studies to seekers and raise $10,000,000 in 2022 and 2023. See our results
WBS launches the WBS App on the App Store and Google Play. Provides full access to courses, quizzes and the WBS Study Bible. WBS App initially released for Students. Study Helpers were able to use the app the following year.Learn more about our Online platform
WBS celebrates its 50th anniversary by taking a trip across the country.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students utilizing updated digital scanning technology. Learn more about Ocean Bridge
10,000,000 for Christ goal exceeds expectations by offering a Bible study to 14,873,194 souls. 2,757,003 individuals chose to start a study between 2022 and 2023. See our results
Will you help us continue our mission to share Jesus with the world? We can't do it without YOU.
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