A Mission Multiplier


Pat Brown
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Senior Manager of Advancement

What do 10 million people look like? What do they sound like? Can you imagine a crowd of 10 million souls gathered together? That is exactly what the 2023 WBS Match and Challenge is all about. Early in 2023 we had generous donors come to us to ask what $1.5 million could accomplish as a challenge for others to come alongside them to help build the church. Our answer was simple: “Millions being able to study God’s word this year alone”. On page one Brian stated, “Missionaries are mission multipliers.” We are asking you to be just that: a mission multiplier! Jesus reminds us in Matthew 7:24 that a wise man not only hears the Gospel but puts it into practice because he is building his house upon a rock. We know that rock is Jesus, the great foundation for the church and for us. So, when you think about what 10 million people look like, imagine the builder and mission multiplier you can be. Ten million souls looks like You Sharing Jesus. Click here to give to World Bible School and become a mission multiplier. For real time results, please go to worldbibleschool.net/2023matchandchallenge. Be a mission multiplier today.

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