Another Seeker Connected to Christ


Bill Colwell
Austin, TX
Church Relations Rep


Jose Rosado being baptized by Tim Gean.

On August 3, Jose Rosado was baptized into Christ by Timothy (Tim) Gean, preacher at the Shiawassee church of Christ in Owosso, Michigan (a congregation with an average Sunday attendance of 16). The baptism took place at the Waterford, Michigan church of Christ, about 20 minutes from Jose’s home in Pontiac.

Jose learned about WBS on the internet, and registered as an Online Student. At the same time, the Shiawassee congregation had set up a WBS Connect Web Target that extended 75 miles from Owosso in each direction. After Jose registered, the four members at Shiawassee who are Study Helpers received an email notifying them of the new Student inside their Web Target. Tim adopted Jose and began studying with him online.

Jose quickly completed the lessons. He said he was fed up with the path he had taken into sin, ashamed of things he had done. Fortunately for him, WBS showed him the way out. Jose is now our brother in the Lord, and attends the Waterford church of Christ.

Jose and Tim celebrate with their families after Jose’s baptism.

Jose is a perfect example of a seeker hearing and responding to the Gospel message presented in WBS lessons, shared by a dedicated Study Helper. Tim Gean and the members at the Shiawassee church of Christ are proof WBS outreach tools can help any congregation, large or small, share the Gospel where they live and beyond.

As for Tim, he is sold on WBS. Tim said, “Through the World Bible School, this man inhaled the lessons, sometimes doing 2-3 per week. I learned to love Jose, his heart, attitude and hunger for the word of God. Now he is our brother in Christ. It made my year.”

Upon my first visit, Tim was only interested and “thinking about” teaching with WBS. After reaching out to me again later this year, I hosted multiple seminars and tutorials with their congregation on Sunday evenings over Zoom. During this process, we set up a Web Target in May, which is what ultimately led them to Jose.

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