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SIBI Vision Workshop

Sunset church of Christ 3723 34th St, Lubbock

Come visit the World Bible School booth during this event to check out the wonderful resources we offer!

Evangelism University

Savannah church of Christ, Hardin County High School 1170 Pickwick Street, Savannah

Come visit the Mathetis booth during this event to check out the wonderful resources we offer!

Evangelism University is not a youth rally, but is designed specifically for High School leaders in your youth group who are spiritually ready to begin sharing the Gospel with those around them.

NASB WBS Study Edition Bible

Order the NASB (1995) WBS Study Bible today.

Please read before you start!

To become a Study Helpers you must:
  1. Apply and be approved by WBS.
  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

If you have already been approved as a Study Helper you can log into the website or the app using your login credentials. Students can register directly on, the WBS App or WBS Lite.