A Word from the Word
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News. We accomplish this in many ways: going physically, supporting others, using tools like WBS’ online platform and Mathetis, and countless other ways only limited by the technology available. While going about spreading the wonderful news that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, are we being effective? How do we judge our effectiveness? How do we know which methods are the best? Determining how effective we are is an important exercise. After all, we want to help as many souls as possible get to Heaven.
“Effective Evangelism” is the newest Advanced Course available for students on the WBS online platform. So, as students are growing in their faith, they now have access to a course to help them share it others! The following is from the 1st page.
How can we share the Gospel effectively? How do we “turn many to righteousness?” We begin with God’s one method, not human methods. God’s main method is the Gospel itself.
Think of it this way: Farmers plant seeds in the ground in various ways. Like the sower in the parable of Matthew 13 and Luke 8, some may broadcast seed over a wide area. Others may place one seed at a time into the soil. Others may plant with animals or with modern machinery. Yet no method is effective without the seed itself. God has given reproductive life to the seed, not to the various methods. In the same way, God has invested living power in His word. “The seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11). Here is how Jesus pictured the power of the seed:
The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come (Mark 4:26-29).
The farmer has a role to play, but it is a humble, dependent role. Suppose the farmer gets impatient. Suppose he takes matters into his own hands, literally. He grabs the young plant and pulls on it, trying to force it to grow faster. Such foolishness only destroys the plant. Every farmer works hard, doing the farmer’s part, but not the seed’s part. In the same way, we cannot force conversions. Our part is to show the seed of God’s word and let it do its work in human hearts (1 Thessalonians 2:13; Hebrews 4:12).
This course is also available from the WBS online store and would be an excellent study for a Bible classes, home studies, or small groups. Review the course and see how it can assist in being more effective in evangelism!
Tips and Hacks – Additional Courses
Did you know that there are lessons for you Students to complete after our Master Series? There are Advanced Series Lessons and Sunset Ministry Studies. The Advanced Series lessons are part of our courses that are designed to help Christians to navigate some of the issues facing the Church across the Globe. Along with Effective Evangelism, there is Guide to New Testament Christianity; Lord, Teach Us to Pray; Test the Spirits; Balancing Faith and Works; and Roles in the Family of God. To see these lessons, you only need to go to the “Resources” tab found on the top right side of your dashboard and select “Courses”. You can review the Master Series, Advanced Series, and Sunset Ministry Studies by clicking on the appropriate tab found under “Courses” on the left of your screen. Our prayer is that you will be able to use these courses to help your students to increase their knowledge in the Word and navigate some of the challenging questions that Christians encounter while on their Walk with the Lord.
Upcoming Events
Will you be in an area near us and have questions? Do you want to learn more about WBS Tools? Swing by and see us. We would love to see you at any of our events and assist in any way we can!
- Telling the Story: Church Growth and Evangelism Conference – Dallas, TX – February 21-23
- Revive Youth Minister’s Retreat – Columbia, TN – March 3-5
- Affirming the Faith – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – March 7-8
- Abundant Living Spring Retreat – Heaven and Nature Sing – Waco, TX – March 10-13
- Alabama State Lectureship – Montgomery, AL – March 16-20
- Freed-Hardeman Lectureship – Henderson, TN – March 16-20
- Inspire New England Conference – Manchester, CT – March 21-23