Follow-up Program

WBS is looking for Christians who are eager to help connect seekers to the Lord and to His church. Can you help? 

What is Follow-up?

Every year, WBS Study Helpers refer thousands of seekers to brethren for Follow-up. These seekers have been introduced to the Gospel message through one of our WBS Bible studies. They are eager to meet a Christian face-to-face for more Bible learning, to worship with believers or to obey the Gospel in baptism.  

Two Ways to Help

Follow-Up Coordinators

Are you a current or former missionary who still has Christian contacts in the country where you served? Would you be willing to monitor and facilitate requests for that country?

  • Receive email notifications and take requests for the country where you live or where you have contacts.

  • Assign the requests to a Follow-up Partner near the Student OR make the contact with the Student yourself.

  • Communicate with the Student, Study Helper and Follow-up Partner in our private and secure Follow-up system.

Follow-Up Partners

Are you willing to contact Students who have a desire to be baptized, have a one-on-one Bible study or want to be introduced to a local congregation? 

  • Serve in the country where you live.

  • Accept requests you can handle personally or can hand off to a trusted Christian.

  • Communicate with the Student, Study Helper and Follow-up Coordinator.

Responsibilities include:


You will be responsible for ensuring, to the best of your ability, the Follow-up request is handled in a timely manner and in a way which honors God and represents WBS well. The goal is to help Students obey the Gospel and encourage them to enter nurturing, discipling congregations so they might grow in their faith.


You will be responsible for maintaining your own access to these tools. This means you will have readily available access to the internet with a computer or device with a modern browser.


You will be responsible for providing timely reports on the status of the request. Our Follow-up system makes reporting simple. For example, you can report “I called the Student and arranged for a face-to-face meeting next Friday.” These reports encourage and motivate Study Helpers to keep teaching. They also help Study Helpers improve.


This is not a paid position. By signing up, you are stating you have the resources to accomplish this job. You will not request money or other resources from Study Helpers, Students or WBS. You will not accept compensation from students, even if it is offered.

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Please read before you start!

To become a Study Helpers you must:
  1. Apply and be approved by WBS.
  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

If you have already been approved as a Study Helper you can log into the website or the app using your login credentials. Students can register directly on, the WBS App or WBS Lite.