God’s Work in YOU!


 Encourage the brotherhood. Email us at help@worldbibleschool.netPlease get Student’s permission before sharing.

Video of our new sister, Alice, as she is baptized into Christ in Ghana.


With input from his Study Helper, Yohane, from Malawi, left his previous church to follow proper New Testament teachings and to be immersed into Christ.



WBS Student, Lightwell, was baptized in Lusaka.



Ayanda was baptized in South Africa at a brotherhood Bible college near her hometown.


WBS workers in India enrolled 12 souls using the WBS Lite app at Samuel George Engineering College after being invited to share WBS with their technical students.


WBS Student, Beatrice, was recently baptized in Kenya.

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  1. Apply and be approved by WBS.
  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into worldbibleschool.org or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

If you have already been approved as a Study Helper you can log into the website or the app using your login credentials. Students can register directly on worldbibleschool.org, the WBS App or WBS Lite.