Kelly Is More Than Numbers

Tim Yaeger


Tim Yeager
Chief Information Officer
Birmingham, AL


I am continually grateful for the dedication every one of you shows by sharing the love of Jesus each month. This past month over 10,000 Students were adopted. Think about that for just a moment … in one month, over 10,000 connections were made around a study of God’s Word. You are fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus with each adoption. You are sowing the seed and following God’s will to share Jesus with the world.

Because of your dedication, Students are being adopted continually as our registration numbers remain over 12,000 each month, and quiz submissions are rising as a result. When you look at the following statistics, you see that every quiz submitted was graded. That is AMAZING!

Next, prepare for more activities and encourage your fellow brothers and sisters to get involved in teaching and adopting Students consistently. We are ramping up our Google advertising in India. India has proven to have many people seeking and using WBS Lite as their mode of study.

In February 2023, we saw the following activity:


  • Online Lessons
    • Web Students: 3,516
    • Postal Students: 434
    • WBS Lite: 8,846

Online Activity

  • 17,124 quizzes graded by Study Helpers
  • 17,174 quizzes submitted by Students
  • 10,938 adoptions were made

Kelly Is More Than Numbers

Today I introduce you to Kelly and her son, Tristin. Kelly registered this past month and was recently baptized into Christ. However, to help tell her story, I would like to allow Kella Jones, who provided the Follow-up help to say it in her own words. Keep sowing the seeds, and God will cause the growth!

Kelly's BaptismKelly had wanted to be baptized for a long time. Doing so had been the hard part. Once she found World Bible School, and with the great help from her Study Helper, Kelly learned it would not be good to put off having her sins washed away. For several years, Kelly had been thinking about being baptized and even wanting to. But this time, Kelly was not going to let anything hold her back from being immersed and receiving the forgiveness of her sins.

Tristan's Baptism

Jayly Jackson was Kelly’s Study Helper, and right after submitting Kelly for Follow-up, he went ahead and took the role of the Follow-up Partner by seeking to connect with one of the churches near Kelly’s area. The Lithia Springs church of Christ in Georgia got Jayly in contact with a minister who contacted Kelly and her son, Tristan, who were both baptized on March 3!

Kelly said she was very nervous while at the same time so excited! Without a doubt, Kelly said this was the best decision she had ever made and now hopes to go and tell others about Jesus Christ in the best way she can. The Lithia Springs church of Christ gave Kelly and her son each a new Bible.

Will you help us keep reaching the lost? Keep on teaching, and if you can, help give by starting a recurring donation today. You can easily give online, and each dollar you give helps us offer the Gospel to a lost soul. Since January 1, 2022 we have reached 5,000,000 people with the Gospel. Help us keep planting the seed another 5,000,000 times in 2023, leading to growth and fruit in the Kingdom of Christ.

Click HERE to Give.

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To become a Study Helpers you must:
  1. Apply and be approved by WBS.
  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

If you have already been approved as a Study Helper you can log into the website or the app using your login credentials. Students can register directly on, the WBS App or WBS Lite.