Martin is More than Numbers

Tim Yaeger


Tim Yeager
Chief Information Officer
Birmingham, AL


Pray, germinate and grow! We continue to see monthly total Online Student registrations of over 20,000! Imagine that! By the end of March, we will have had the opportunity to connect with the same number of people who attended the Super Bowl in 2024. For those who watched it or looked at pictures, you can grasp how many people 60,000 looks like. Each Student who registers is an opportunity to reach that soul with the Gospel of Christ. As you sow the seed, the next best task we can do is pray. Pray for that Student’s heart to be softened and pray that God will work in the life of the Student. Offer to pray for your Student too. They will know someone is willing to care for them and listen. Pray that the seed you plant will germinate and that God will cause the growth. Pray for your own wisdom to know how to water the seed. Then watch God work. We see His work of growth in the harvest each month. This past February, we had 38 confirmed baptisms into Christ. That is exciting! Pray those new disciples will grow and become sowers themselves of the Good News of Jesus.

In February 2024, we saw the following activity:

Online Registrations

  • Web Students: 6,259
  • Postal Students: 543
  • WBS Lite: 14,165

Online Activity

  • 21,165 quizzes graded by Study Helpers
  • 21,276 quizzes submitted by Students
  • 16,920 adoptions were made

Online Follow-up Activity

  • 38 baptisms completed
  • 8 personal Bible studies started
  • 8 people connected to a local congregation

Martin is More Than a Number

Thank you to Jaylyl for sending us this Follow-up story about one of his Students!

Martin studied for several months when he displayed an interest in being baptized. I submitted him for Follow-up and Gary was assigned to him. Gary and I did our best to contact local congregations near him but could not reach anyone. I began to tell my wife about the challenges Gary and I were facing for Martin, but we both agreed that God would provide and provide he did. As I contemplated the two-hour drive over from my house in GA to go and baptize Martin, my wife suggested that I look up any other congregations close by and see if they could do it. I looked at the map and saw that the Martin’s city was near the Cusseta Road church of Christ. I provided all of the contact information to Gary. Gary, in turn, contacted the preacher over there, and, as they say, the rest is history.

Let’s rejoice with Martin in his new walk in Christ!

If you would like to send us stories of your Students, please email us pictures and information to Please ask your Student for permission before sharing their story.

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