Michaela is More than Numbers

Tim Yaeger


Tim Yeager
Chief Information Officer
Birmingham, AL


How is your watering going? No, I’m not talking about watering your lawn to keep it from dying in the intense heat. I’m also not talking about hydration for your body. I’m talking about the watering that occurs after you plant the seed of the Gospel. Once you adopt, spend a little time watering the soil where you planted the seed. Offer to pray for the Student or ask them about hobbies or interests while offering a few of your own. Help the Student understand you want to be their friend and help them study the Bible. Don’t spend too much time watering to the point you are discouraged if the Student doesn’t respond after a couple of messages. Continue to adopt new Students and take as many as you can. Perhaps one day, the water you pour on the soil will yield a harvest, but remember, God causes the growth.

The Lord is always at work growing the harvest beyond what we can see, so we call this series “More Than Numbers.” From our human perspective, we only see the numbers before us. God, however, sees the hearts of every person. He has an eternal perspective we will only comprehend when we are with Him in Heaven. Keep on sowing and watering, and rejoice in reading this month’s Follow-up story, which shows what happens with diligent soil watering.

In June 2024, we saw the following activity:

Online Registrations

  • Web Students: 6,211
  • Postal Students: 366
  • WBS Lite: 14,763

Online Activity

  • 25,082 quizzes graded by Study Helpers
  • 24,842 quizzes submitted by Students
  • 17,353 adoptions were made

Online Follow-up Activity

  • 17 baptisms completed
  • 8 personal Bible studies started
  • 6 people connected to a local congregation

Michaela is More Than a Number

Michaela recently completed the Master Series and expressed interest in having a one-on-one Bible study and being baptized. She lives near a church of Christ in Colorado.

After speaking with Gary, the congregation’s minister, he became her Follow-up Partner. He promptly connected Michaela with one of the church elders, Rogers, and his wife – encouraging them to contact her. They did so with great enthusiasm.

Michaela had been dealing with car troubles. Thankfully, she discovered that the congregation has a bus system that helps transport people to and from church services. This was a perfect solution for Michaela. On some occasions, Rogers and his wife also helped with transportation and became great friends with her.

Rogers and his wife began private Bible studies with Michaela on Wednesday evenings at church. They explored the meaning of being born again and addressed other questions Michaela had. She enjoyed every moment, especially the love and grace she felt from the congregation, unlike anything she had experienced before.

On the evening of June 19, Michaela decided to take the step of having her sins fully washed away through baptism.

Let’s rejoice with Michaela in her decision and pray for her new life in Christ!

If you would like to send us stories of your Students, please email us pictures and information to help@worldbibleschool.net. Please ask your Student for permission before sharing their story.

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