Mimi is More Than a Number

Tim Yaeger


Tim Yeager
Chief Information Officer
Birmingham, AL


The steady growth of new online students continues. Although we have not broken records this month, Lord willing, the record-setting 16,000 in a month from last year will eventually become normal. Now that we are learning more about the digital market opportunities with our apps and optimizing our digital campaigns, our goal is to pace student growth. Less dramatic swings in registrations allow students to be adopted and introduced to a Christian Study Helper promptly. This is vital for effective relationship building and allows you to share Jesus!

Keep up the good work of sowing the seed and watering! God is causing growth. This month, I want to start sharing follow-up statistics with you. I have held this to give some of our processes time to catch up with our system so we have more captured activity. This is not representative of all the baptisms and follow-ups with WBS. These are what we track with our online system with online students. WBS Online Students represent about 17% of all WBS students. In the first six months of 2023, we tracked 127 completed baptism requests, and 50 additional requests are in progress. Your dedication and unwavering commitment to sharing Jesus yields a harvest of lost souls. Keep adopting and keep sowing the seed.

In June 2023, we saw the following activity:

Online Registrations

  • Web Students: 3,848
  • Postal Students: 513
  • WBS Lite: 8,017

Online Activity

  • 16,590 quizzes graded by Study Helpers
  • 16,576 quizzes submitted by Students
  • 10,882 adoptions were made

Online Follow-up Activity

  • 49 baptisms completed
  • 20 baptism requests are in progress
  • 46 in-person Bible studies started
  • 31 people connected to a local congregation

Mimi is More Than a Number

Kella Jones, one of our USA Follow-up Coordinators, sent us this message. Let’s all rejoice with this good news!

About six months ago, Mimi signed up for World Bible School Online Lessons. Mimi grew in her desire to read the Bible throughout her studies. Her study helper, Alyce, became a sweet friend to Mimi, encouraging her in the right direction. Eventually, she was interested in wanting to be baptized. Alyce requested a personal Bible study for Mimi in the WBS Follow-Up system. Soon, Paulson Forde, one of the shepherds of King’s church of Christ in Brooklyn, NY, connected with Mimi. He invited her to a Zoom Bible study which she enjoyed.

For a few days, Paulson spent quite a bit with Mimi and answered several questions she had. He could see love for the Lord in her heart. One Wednesday morning, Paulson went to pick Mimi up and brought her to the church where she was baptized. Mimi was excited and especially thankful to have her sins washed away finally!

Mimi does not have a car or way of transportation at the moment. Thankfully, she lives not far from the King’s church of Christ. Paulson has also shared that the church will help get her with transportation to and from services. What a wonderful example of the Family of God caring for a new child in Christ!

If you would like to send us stories of your Students, please email us pictures and information to help@worldbibleschool.net. Ask your Student for permission to share their story with others.

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To become a Study Helpers you must:
  1. Apply and be approved by WBS.
  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into worldbibleschool.org or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

If you have already been approved as a Study Helper you can log into the website or the app using your login credentials. Students can register directly on worldbibleschool.org, the WBS App or WBS Lite.