George is More Than a Number

By Tim Yaeger, Chief Information Officer

Exponential growth! That is what we are witnessing through your faithful efforts in sowing the seed of the Gospel. We began this year with record-breaking registrations for World Bible School courses! In January alone, 28,650 students signed up—surpassing our previous record of just over 23,000. This incredible growth is partly due to increased advertising made possible by the generosity of WBS donors, but also from your efforts in sharing WBS Online courses with others.

We are on the verge of breaking 30,000 Online Students registering in just one month! You help us get there by sharing WBS with your community, mission outreach efforts or just someone you know who needs Jesus. Let’s put this into perspective. We have nearly 4,000 Study Helpers. If each one of you were able to encourage one new soul to start a WBS Bible study next month, we could see 32,650 registrations! Need some help in doing this? Check out our new QR code features on our WBS App that makes this simple by clicking here. We also have several FREE downloadable handouts and other resources you can use to share WBS with others by clicking here. God can do some incredible things through each and everyone one of you. Let’s continue to answer his call to share the Good News with others.

Thank you for your dedication to God’s work, for sowing the seeds of His truth, and for trusting Him to bring the increase. We are honored to labor alongside you in His fields—this year and for the next 50 Forward. Let’s keep planting, keep praying and keep trusting the Lord of the harvest!

Here’s a quick overview of January’s online activity:

Online Registrations

  • Web Students: 6,424
  • Postal Students: 296
  • WBS Lite: 21,930

Online Activity

  • 23,938 quizzes graded by Study Helpers
  • 23,435 quizzes submitted by Students
  • 24, 303 adoptions were made

Online Follow-up Activity

  • 8 baptisms completed
  • 2 people connected to a local congregation

George is More Than a Number

WBS Student, George lives in Athens, Greece. George’s Study Helper, Bill, studied with him with WBS lessons all the way from Dallas, Texas. George wrote, “I have been reading the Scriptures for 12-13 years. I do not belong to any local church. I have not been baptized as an adult although I would very much like to. I read the Scriptures and pray at home … My desire is to be baptized and join a local church. I believe in the work of the cross. In the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Bill connected George with Dino in Greece. Dino met with George and studied the plan of salvation. Then George was baptized in front of 120 people at a local congregation. Many of the people present had never seen an adult baptized since in Greece, infant baptism is very prominent. Praise God for the example George is to the people around him! Please keep George and the work of the Lord in Greece in your prayers.

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  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

If you have already been approved as a Study Helper you can log into the website or the app using your login credentials. Students can register directly on, the WBS App or WBS Lite.