Northwest church of Christ Prison and WBS Ministry

The Northwest church of Christ in Plainview, Texas, is making a positive impact on the lives of prisoners in their community. Thanks to their efforts, several inmates are turning their lives around and choosing to follow Christ. 

The Northwest church of Christ started a prison ministry and included their World Bible School program as a part of their teaching over a year ago. Each person is given a “double dose” of studies. Every Monday, members of the Northwest congregation study with inmates in person. If the inmates would like an additional study, they can choose to start Northwest’s World Bible School program. Dianne Haynes, one of the WBS Study Helpers at the Northwest church of Christ, writes, “It is a joint effort in bringing them to Christ. This has proved to be very effective and fruitful. Praise be to God.” 

In 2022, they recorded eight baptisms. And in 2023, they have already added two more inmates to the body of Christ. 

The impact of the Northwest church of Christ’s outreach to prisoners is far-reaching. The congregation is making a difference not only in the lives of these men but also in their families and communities. By reaching out to those who have been incarcerated, the Northwest church of Christ is showing that everyone deserves love, compassion, and forgiveness. 

We want to thank Dianne Haynes and the Northwest church of Christ for their hard work and dedication to these prisoners. Their faith is a testament to the power of God, His grace and the importance of Christians reaching out to the lost. 

As we move forward, we hope to see more churches and organizations following in the footsteps of the Northwest church of Christ. If you would like to start a similar ministry at your congregation, please contact us, and we’d be happy to help get you started. Let us all be inspired by the efforts of the Northwest church of Christ and Dianne Haynes and continue to spread hope and love to those who need it most.

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