Ocean Bridge Frontiers – Status and Updates

Forty-five congregations are now using the new Ocean Bridge method of teaching. They serve as pioneers, helping WBS learn how to use this new technology to bypass international postal systems in countries where postal systems are struggling. Each of these 45 congregations are helping us craft Ocean Bridge to become a productive correspondence tool for our entire brotherhood. Below are some things we have learned as we craft this exciting new tool:


Since most of our Ocean Bridge Service Centers are currently in sub-Saharan Africa, Student recruitment takes a pause in December and January as these countries’ schools celebrate the holidays. Currently, many of our Students come from secondary schools. To cope with the lull in Student recruitment, WBS is seeking new Student recruitment communities such as prisons, markets and neighborhoods surrounding congregations or partnering preacher training schools. Be praying for these efforts!



Each of our national Service Centers are manned by a local coordinator. Occasionally these men and women face difficult health situations. When one of our team members gets sick, we stand with them through the healing process. But this understandably slows down our processes in that country. We are working to create back-up capacity to cope with this very real possibility. We also will try to keep you informed should this happen so you can join us in prayer. Your prayers are always important!



Thanks to Ocean Bridge’s swift lesson turn-around, Students’ faith quickly develops where they are ready to be baptized for the remission of their sins. With many of our Students currently in secondary schools, gaining permission from parents and school administrations to baptize these Students can prove difficult. WBS has recently deployed Ron Pottberg to Ghana, Phil Palmer to Kenya and Brian and Sondra Davis to Nigeria to brainstorm with local Follow-up volunteers how we can improve Follow-up with Ocean Bridge Students. We look forward to reporting the ideas being gathered to you soon.



We have developed new ways to publish ACTION! digitally to keep you informed with the latest details, developments and success stories. Visit worldbibleschool.net/action to subscribe and receive our NEW monthly ACTION! News emails. We pray these updates will keep you informed and encouraged as we work and rejoice together with God as He impacts lives  through your efforts all around the world!

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