One Study Helper, One Soul

On June 6, WBS hosted our second WBS Gather. What is WBS Gather? It’s an online, Zoom forum that brings together WBS Students, Study Helpers and Follow-up partners from around the world. The event includes encouragement, prayer and challenge—all in the name of spiritual growth and proactive evangelism. Being only our second WBS Gather event, we were thrilled to have 69 people join us, from 20 countries. We see the potential of WBS Gather to inspire many more people to grow God’s kingdom.

Do you know what I appreciate most about WBS Gather? It gives true, real-world meaning to our 10,000,000 for Christ efforts that are continuing through 2023. (A quick update: over 7.7 million souls have had the opportunity to study the Bible with WBS through May. As a result, over 1.8 million seekers have enrolled to study Printed and Online WBS Bible lessons.)


And how does a relatively small scale WBS Gather give 10,000,000 for Christ meaning? Consider this:

  1.  On Tuesday morning, June 6, WBS Student David in Hyderabad, India sent us a gracious email, praising WBS and his Study Helper. The timestamp was 9:33 AM. [Note: we’re inundated with such messages from appreciative seekers who have found Gospel truth through WBS.]
  2. That same Tuesday, just 2 hours and 27 minutes later, our WBS Gather began. Joining us was WBS Study Helper Ray Fisher, with his wife Laurie, from Seaford, Delaware. Ray Fisher? That’s David’s Study Helper, over 8,000 miles from him in India and 1,615 miles from our office in Cedar Park, Texas!


Now THAT’S the beauty of WBS. Not a curious little “coincidence”—but the power of God at work in everyday Christians sharing the Good News of Jesus with WBS tools. One Study Helper, one soul, blessed with the one Lord.

Speaking of many miles, Sondra and I are embarking on a significant swing through much of the country: Kentucky and Tennessee, west through Oklahoma and Texas, stops in New Mexico and Arizona, into Southern California, continuing north to Sacramento. All along the way, we’ll talk to congregations, church groups, elderships, generous donors, and special friends of WBS. No doubt, we’ll describe the great goals of 10,000,000 for Christ and the grand strides we’re making—by God’s blessing—to fulfill them.

But most of all, we’ll be reminding the Lord’s people of our shared responsibility to the Great Commission. We’ll be asking each, individual person to join WBS, by involvement and by giving, to make sure that one person—like David in India—finds WBS Study Helpers—like Ray and Laurie—and has the opportunity to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Will you join us with your gift to fulfill the goals of 10,000,000 for Christ? Please look past the large number to the simple, real truth: your gift will equip a Christian to share the truth of God’s Word with a lost soul.  Click here to give.

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  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

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