Raising Arrows in a Digital World: A Time of Transition


July marks a time of transition for the Church Relations team here in Cedar Park, Texas. Bill Colwell, who has worn many hats at World Bible School in his 10+ years here was most recently responsible for much of our outreach and communications with teaching congregations. Bill “retired” at the end of June, but I put that in quotes since he is still working in a part-time role, keeping up with communications and visits to congregations. I’ll share something Bill wrote in his last Coordinator’s Corner: “During these last 10+ years, I have seen God work in amazing ways and have met and grown close to many amazing people. (I like to say that my address book is better than anyone else’s, because it contains the names of so many wonderful Christians around the world!) Working with all of you has been an incredible blessing. Ruth and I will always treasure the relationships we have made, and we will forever be thankful for the opportunity to get to know so many Christians who are passionate about sharing the saving message of Jesus with a lost and dying world.”

I’m not sure I will be able to fill Bill’s shoes, but I am honored and thankful that Bill will continue to be a resource for you all and me! You can still reach Bill at bill@worldbibleschool.net or if you have his number, I’m sure he would love to chat!

As for me, if you’re an avid reader of ACTION! Magazine, perhaps you’ve seen my series of articles titled “Raising Arrows in a Digital World” focused on parenting in an increasingly digital world. I began at WBS back in 2020, working remotely from Loveland, Ohio with our digital and social media advertising, among other things. At the same time, I was a full-time preacher and quickly saw the value of WBS for a local congregation. I wanted to help this ministry continue growing, assist our current teaching congregations and reach new generations of Study Helpers with our growing toolbox for evangelism. So, when Bill Colwell decided to retire, I saw no better place to use the skillset with which God has blessed me with. Through much prayer and faith, my wife Sarah and our four children made the long move to Texas from Ohio to work out of the Cedar Park office full-time as the new Church Relations Manager.

We certainly live in trying times economically, but I’m a firm believer in answering God’s call no matter the sacrifice. I believe that God has wonderful work to do through WBS, and I can look back on my life and see how I’ve been prepared to use my talents to assist in our common mission to “GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

There are many moments in life that can be seen as “full-circle” moments. As a boy, I recall helping my parents stuff WBS Postal envelopes with graded answer sheets and lessons. Now, some 30+ years later, I’m teaching others how to continue this wonderful ministry while assisting in new technologies to reach a growing digital audience. It seems we have come “full circle”. WBS made an impact on a young boy in helping his parents share their new-found faith, and it continues to change lives today many years later! While I may not be in a pulpit full-time anymore, it is still my mission “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)”. This involves instilling biblical discipleship within congregations and members of the Lord’s church and being active in fulfilling Jesus’ great commission! I hope to accomplish this with new media offerings, speaking engagements and church visits. Let’s continue in the footsteps of those in Thessalonica and keep turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6) through the powerful message of Jesus Christ!

How can I help you share Jesus? Email me at derek@worldbibleschool.net, or you can give me a call at (737) 301-2623.

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