Reaching the Lost Across Generations

By: Maxine Hooks, WBS Study Helper


Maxine Hooks showing our WBS staff (Sheryl Williams, Kelsey Taylor, Maxine and Sondra Davis) in Austin, Texas where her Student, Jane Atieno, was baptized in Kenya.

In December 2022, I adopted a WBS Online Student named Jane Atieno from Homa Bay County, Western Kenya. After completing the course “Born of Water and Spirit”, Jane was convicted of her need to be baptized. As I was initiating the Follow-up request for someone in Kenya to contact her, I received an email from Brother Maurice Ouma, a minister with Kodada church of Christ, a church planted in the area through the support of the Las Cruces church of Christ (New Mexico) in October 2007. 

Brother Maurice was conducting a weekly Bible study called Home to Home Evangelism using WBS Bible study materials. Jane attended and introduced herself and told Maurice about her WBS online studies. She told him she was ready to be baptized.

Jane Atieno from Western Kenya baptized into Christ.

He contacted me as her Online Study Helper to inform me of her wishes which I certainly encouraged. Then I received word that Jane was baptized in the Awach river on February 1, 2023. Jane worships with the Kodada church of Christ and is active with the ladies’ Bible group.

Immediately after becoming a Christian, Jane began teaching her family, and as a result of her efforts, nine members of her family have now been baptized and added to the church. In Jane’s own words, “I love this new Christian life and continue to study every day. I can’t hide my joy because my name is now written in the Book of Life. Hallelujah!”


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