Same Mission New Goals


George Barlow
Austin, TX
Chief Advancement Officer


There’s a song we often sing entitled, “Higher Ground.” The words of the song begin like this…

I’m pressing on the upward way, New heights I’m gaining every day; Still praying as I onward bound, “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

We are well into 2024 with many fascinating opportunities presenting themselves and numerous plans underway. The second week of January, the Advancement team met for two full days at World Bible School’s offices in Cedar Park, Texas. We started each day with prayer, had engaging conversations, brainstorming sessions, and planning activities.

We accomplished two major goals during our time together. First, we were able to solidify a campaign for the next three years with goals that align with our overall mission and vision. With our theme of 50 Forward, we are striving to increase our monthly individual and church donors with a combination of 500 churches and 5,000 individuals, respectively, that give either $5, $50, or $500 per month for a minimum of three years. Second, we were able to land on a “Call to Action” to our current and future supporters. We pray that God will raise up men, women, young adults and churches who choose to invest in spreading the Gospel – Jesus saves.

With God’s continued goodness, we believe He will expand our efforts throughout the United States and across the globe.

I pray to God that He will lift me up, guide me and plant my feet on higher ground as we work together for the cause of Christ. We look toward the future, while never forgetting the past, as we advance forward to the next 50 years.

To give, visit, call 512-345-8190 or mail a check to P.O. Box 2169 Cedar Park, TX 78630


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