Thankful for Your Support

13,781,070 Souls

have been offered a Bible study from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2023


We are so thankful.

God has blessed World Bible School in such powerful, meaningful, visible ways. I’ve tried to keep you up-to-date throughout the year in letters like this one, through our quarterly ACTION! magazine, at greater brotherhood and WBS-specific events, and—to my own great encouragement—in personal conversations and visits. I have so many stories… (Find some of them at

I want to take this last opportunity to remind you of the overwhelming success of our 10,000,000 for Christ efforts. God has blessed this campaign beyond our imagination when we began it at the beginning of 2022. Imagine: 13,781,070. This significant number counts all the ways God has enabled us to share the Gospel through our tools— through just November 30. Each number represents a soul who was presented the opportunity to study the Gospel through one of our many outreach efforts. Here’s a more meaningful big number that flows from the former: 2,635,187. That’s nearly one out of five souls who chose to engage in Bible study through one of our tools.

We are also thankful for your financial partnership with WBS before. The beauty of God’s blessing WBS is obviously lost souls coming to know God, His Son, and the truth of the Gospel. And His blessing obviously also opens more and more doors for us to reach all the more. But those doors require resources to be able to enter them. We are poised and ready to do just that in 2024 with renewed commitment, investment, action and love for the lost. Please continue with us by giving again these last days of the year.

Help us equip the next generation to reach the next generation—and beyond—with Jesus.  Click here to give.

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NASB WBS Study Edition Bible

Order the NASB (1995) WBS Study Bible today.

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  1. Apply and be approved by WBS.
  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

If you have already been approved as a Study Helper you can log into the website or the app using your login credentials. Students can register directly on, the WBS App or WBS Lite.