Transforming Lives with Mathetis: The Power of Group Bible Studies

World Bible School’s success as a ministry does not come solely from its own accord. But rather, its success comes from God working through motivated Christians who choose to use WBS tools to share Jesus. Mathetis, a WBS tool for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online, has continued this legacy of success using new technologies and multimedia to reach lost souls with the Gospel of Christ.

Thanks to generous donors, Mathetis has empowered Christians like Brother Tucson Redd from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to share the Gospel in places he otherwise could not have reached. With very little technical knowhow, Brother Redd was able to create a group on Mathetis he called the “Berean Outreach Bible Study” in March 2020. He initially invited two people to join his group. Each week, Brother Redd assigned a lesson from one of our courses and required his group to watch the video and respond to each discussion question and exercise within the lesson. Then, the group would meet together on Zoom every Tuesday evening to dive into deeper study.

Today, the Berean Outreach Bible Study group has grown from two members to an average of 20-25 participants each week, with visitors and members from 22 different states as well as multiple countries. This growth has resulted in 11 souls choosing to be baptized into Christ. These new Christians are now being inspired to share their faith and fulfill the Great Commission as well.

Berean Outreach Bible Study group member being baptized in Harlem, NY.

Brother Redd writes, “The Mathetis courses have proven to be a very effective resource for teaching and learning. I thank God for the Holy Spirit and the use of Mathetis in the success of the Berean Outreach Bible Class.”

At WBS, we are thrilled to hear about the success of the Berean Outreach Bible Study group and how Mathetis has played a significant role in the spiritual growth of its members. Their testimony shows Mathetis has the power to spark transformation in the hearts and lives of people through the study of God’s Word together.

We pray Mathetis can inspire even more Christians like Brother Redd to take part in evangelism. Mathetis can aid in developing Christian maturity and meaningful relationships with God’s family through participation within our group studies. We encourage individuals, small groups, Bible classes, youth groups, college ministry, and even adult ministries to start using Mathetis and experience the growth which comes from studying the Bible together.

Meet Brother Redd at the WBS Benefit Dinner in Searcy, Arkansas, September 11, 2023. Call 512-345-8190 or click here to RSVP.

Click here to learn more about Mathetis.

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