Tucson: My Heart Smiles

Editor’s note: Effective evangelism remains faithful to the Gospel’s power while adapting in order to reach learners (1 Corinthians 9:19-23). Consider Paul at Athens (Acts 17). He was observant and deeply troubled by their false religions. Speaking in the public square, his approach adapted to their culture. In a similar way, we at World Bible School seek to understand the times (1 Chronicles 12:32; Esther 1:13). What are people thinking? What questions are they asking? How are they communicating and learning? From such research, WBS developed a state-of-the-art method called Mathetis. It was first unveiled at the Global Missions Conference of 2019 and officially launched in January 2020. During Covid shutdowns, it helped to pave the way forward with digital solutions. The name Mathetis is itself an adaptation, an anglicized form of the Greek word for disciple. Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online. To get started, go to Matheris.org. Simply register on the app or website, select a course, create a group and invite friends to join. In addition, WBS has produced “The Reaching Series”—quarterly Bible study curriculum designed to teach Christians how to share their faith using the Mathetis Original courses. The next story illustrates the impact of Mathetis.

Brother Tucson D. Redd serves the church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, but Mathetis extends his reach across the United States and into multiple countries. Early in 2020, Tucson set up his “Berean Outreach Bible Study” on Tuesday nights. He began with two students, and the class has continually grown, now averaging 20-25 participants each week. Tucson reports, “We have been able to teach students from 22 different states in the past three years with 11 baptisms. I thank God for the Holy Spirit and the use of Mathetis in the success of Berean Outreach Bible Class.”

According to William Bush of WBS, who coordinates the use of Mathetis, “Each week, Brother Redd assigned a lesson from one of our courses and required his group to watch the video and respond to each discussion question and exercise within the lesson. Then, the group would meet together on Zoom every Tuesday evening to dive into deeper study. Mathetis uses new technologies and multimedia to reach lost souls with the Gospel of Christ. We encourage individuals, small groups, Bible classes, youth groups, college ministries, and adult ministries to start using Mathetis and to experience the growth which comes from studying the Bible together.”

One soul reached was Sharon Bond. With Tucson’s group, she studied the Mathetis Original courses “Wondering What to Believe” and “In Need of a Savior.” Responding to the Gospel, Sharon was baptized at the Harlem church of Christ, New York City, New York (photo right).

Later, again using Mathetis, brother Tucson shared Dan Winkler’s course “Forgiven, Forgiving and Free”. Sharon invited her friends Martel and Sydni Epps to join. They too were baptized into Christ at Harlem. Commenting on the Spirit’s power, brother Tucson says, “It has been my experience that Mathetis Bible courses are very comprehensive, succinct, and a great tool for progressive Bible study. Just seeing the Gospel of our Lord being spread in multiple states and precious souls being baptized, utilizing tools that were not available when I started preaching, truly makes my heart smile.”


Tim Yaeger unveiling Mathetis at the 2019 Global Missions Conference in Austin, Texas.


Image from a video on Mathetis.

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