Updates in Advancement

Last November, Pat Brown (left) decided to return to work in the public sector. Pat helped to build and lead our Advancement program from 2012 to 2023. During these years, God blessed our Advancement efforts with our greatest growth ever!

Jim Crain (right) worked for eight years in our Advancement efforts, and most recently, his efforts focused in Texas. Jim retired at the end of 2023 (Jim’s wife, Karen, is pictured in the center). We are so thankful for the incredible contribution of these two families. They compose part of the 50 years of history on which we stand as we look forward to the next 50 years.

We wish Pat & Lynette and Jim & Karen the very best!

WBS Advancement Reps Currently Serving in Your Area

Rodger Chaffin (Kentucky), Steve Gober (Alabama), David Harper (Tennessee), Rick and Mary Shur (Arkansas) and Josh Sneed (Texas)

Want to work with the WBS Advancement Team?

Contact us at worldbibleschool.net/contact or (512) 345-8190.

If you or someone you know is interested becoming a WBS Regional Advancement Rep, please visit worldbibleschool.net/rar or email George Barlow at g.barlow@worldbibleschool.net

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