Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students studying the printed Master Series by utilizing digital scanning technology.
Abraham is More Than a Number Abraham registered for WBS Online Lessons in September 2024.
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News.
Mentoring in mission has been a part of my ministry life since I was trained
Introducing a new channel for podcasts produced by World Bible School. ACTION!
Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students studying the printed Master Series by utilizing digital scanning technology.
Abraham is More Than a Number Abraham registered for WBS Online Lessons in September 2024.
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News.
Mentoring in mission has been a part of my ministry life since I was trained
Introducing a new channel for podcasts produced by World Bible School. ACTION!
WBS Postal program is a method of teaching the "Master Series," to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
WBS Online is a platform for teaching Students from the WBS App and website.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence with international Students using digital scanning technology.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
As we reflect upon how God has used forward-thinking Christians within our past, we are inspired to continue God’s work for the next 50 years and beyond.
We have Bibles, correspondence courses, Bible class material and more to help you and your congregation become more evangelistic.
ACTION! is World Bible School’s flagship publication. Read inspiring success stories, tips on how to share the Gospel with others and updates on WBS and its tools!
Your gift to World Bible School will be used promptly for finding new Bible Students and equipping more Christians to help them know Jesus.
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Interested in teaching WBS Postal at your congregation?
Please fill out this form or give us a call at (512) 345-8190 if you are interested in learning more about our Postal program.
Interested in teaching WBS Ocean Bridge Students at your congregation?
Please fill out this form or give us a call at (512) 345-8190 if you are interested in learning more about Ocean Bridge.
Order the NASB (1995) WBS Study Bible today.