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Study Bible

The WBS Study Edition Bible contains the WBS Study Notes to encourage individual study or for use in personal or group Bible studies.

Available in NASB (1995) & NKJV.

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WBS Study Notes

There are four parts to the WBS Study Notes:

1) Study notes from the “Master Series”
2) “Guide to New Testament Christianity”
3) A chronological daily Bible reading plan
4) A list of extra teaching topics and maps

WBS Study Edition Bibles

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 WBS Study Helpers can send a free Bible through to their Students through our Incentive Bible Program!


"The WBS Study Edition Bible is a tremendous resource for personal evangelism. The lesson guides provide a reasonable and straightforward plan to share the Good News of Jesus. Working through each lesson and searching the truths of Scripture with a neighbor or friend are made easy with the accompanying Scripture references for each point."
Keith Harris
Preaching Minister

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