Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students studying the printed Master Series by utilizing digital scanning technology.
Abraham is More Than a Number Abraham registered for WBS Online Lessons in September 2024.
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News.
Mentoring in mission has been a part of my ministry life since I was trained
Introducing a new channel for podcasts produced by World Bible School. ACTION!
Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students studying the printed Master Series by utilizing digital scanning technology.
Abraham is More Than a Number Abraham registered for WBS Online Lessons in September 2024.
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News.
Mentoring in mission has been a part of my ministry life since I was trained
Introducing a new channel for podcasts produced by World Bible School. ACTION!
Internet is “free” and “fast” compared with “snail-mail’s” delays and costs. Yet, due to volume, many more are being converted through printed lessons exchanged by
What is the secret ingredient in the WBS recipe? What
makes it taste so good to over a million current participants?
The Roman empire’s couriers were remarkable, but today’s systems serve the entire world—are you kidding me?
Modern life is busy. Most of us tend to be occupied in our respective silos. Even those who focus on evangelism may not realize how
We share the World Bible School adventure with truly amazing partners! This issue of Action! is a tribute to the YOU in “You. Sharing Jesus.”
In June I visited Lubbock on the way to New Mexico for Red River Family Encampment
What message should Christians share with the world? Re-examine the messages of the New Testament.
Often, when celebrating the Lord’s Supper, I am torn between sentiments:
Joy for salvation, and sorrow for those left out of this joy.
The Great Commission’s goal is to “make disciples,” which Jesus defines as believers who continue in His
word (John 8:31). Those who begin should
ACTION! is World Bible School's flagship publication. Read inspiring success stories, tips on how to share the Gospel with others and updates on WBS and its tools!
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