Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students studying the printed Master Series by utilizing digital scanning technology.
Abraham is More Than a Number Abraham registered for WBS Online Lessons in September 2024.
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News.
Mentoring in mission has been a part of my ministry life since I was trained
Introducing a new channel for podcasts produced by World Bible School. ACTION!
Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Mathetis is a platform for studying interactive Bible courses together in groups online.
Ocean Bridge enhances correspondence between Study Helpers and international Students studying the printed Master Series by utilizing digital scanning technology.
Abraham is More Than a Number Abraham registered for WBS Online Lessons in September 2024.
Jesus gave each of us a directive in Mark 16:15 to preach the Good News.
Mentoring in mission has been a part of my ministry life since I was trained
Introducing a new channel for podcasts produced by World Bible School. ACTION!
In 2022, my first year as WBS president, Sondra and I had been on a tour within Southern Africa announcing our 10,000,000 for Christ campaign.
After 12 years with a leading financial company, Gordon’s promotions suggested a secure career ahead. His congregation in Florida asked him to organize a World
A congregation in Portland, Tennessee sent a newspaper ad for World Bible School correspondence courses in English to their contact in far East Russia.
In July 1961, I boarded the Danube Express at Vienna’s West Train Station, traveling to Budapest behind the Iron Curtain. What a contrast between free
How is your watering going? No, I’m not talking about watering your lawn to keep it from dying in the intense heat. I’m also not
A new record is broken! This time, it’s not the number of registrations in a month. We continue to see strong registration numbers, above 21,000
Since Juap William has a background in both the Muslim faith and Pentecostalism, he has been converting many from both religions using the WBS lessons.
Pictured above are faces of children Sondra and I met during our recent trip to Nigeria. They serve as a great reminder of our Lord’s
One advantage of longevity is a clearer rearview mirror— looking back at how God worked, how He turned obstacles into stepping stones.
Pray, germinate and grow! We continue to see monthly total Online Student registrations of over 20,000! Imagine that!
Arise, click and SOW! It’s a great start to the year! We had over 21,700 Students in January who registered on the WBS Online platform.
Several stories and pictures of WBS Students who have chosen to be baptized into Christ because of God’s work in you.
Special delivery of Truth. The Truth always finds a way to reach people who are seeking. When we think it could be impossible, God finds
There is a time for everything. Especially now, the time is to adopt a WBS Student!
Jimmie Lovell was a dreamer who had the privilege of seeing his dream coming true. Here is how it happened.
Reuel Lemmons (1912–1989) served as the director of World Bible School after the founder, Jimmie Lovell, serving from 1984 to when he passed in 1987.
We thank all of the Christians who began studies with these precious souls. And we thank our donors who helped fund these feats.
Brian and Sondra are greeted by a school studying using Ocean Bridge in Nigeria.
ACTION! is World Bible School's flagship publication. Read inspiring success stories, tips on how to share the Gospel with others and updates on WBS and its tools!
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